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Barley Growers and Brewers Working Together to Advance Policy

This week marked the annual trip barley growers from around America make to our nation’s capital. The annual event is a great opportunity for growers to meet their representatives in the U.S. House and Senate, and for those growers to advocate for policy priorities that help ensure the viability of American barley farming for generations to come. In August 2017, I had the honor of visiting Skookumchuck Agriculture, in Sunburst, Montana.

The State of the Union and Its Favorite Alcohol Beverage – Beer

The State of the Union is an opportunity for the president to discuss his priorities with members of Congress and the American public. This year, our focus will be extending federal excise tax relief for all brewers and beer importers that is set to expire at the end of 2019, ending the tariffs on imported primary aluminum, and providing greater transparency in aluminum pricing.

Celebrate Beer Can Appreciation Day

Today is Beer Can Appreciation Day – the day we celebrate the beer can and all it does. They may seem small, but cans are a huge part of the American beer business. More than 62% of all of the beer brewed and sold in the United States is packaged in aluminum cans, and that’s up from 56% just 10 years ago.

As predicted, brewer costs are rising due to aluminum tariffs

Earlier this year, under the threat of impending implementation of a 10 percent tariff on imported aluminum, the Beer Institute commissioned a study by John Dunham and Associates, an outside economic consultant, to estimate what the tariff would mean to American brewers. John and his team found the tariff would increase the annual cost of beer manufacturing by $347 million.  You can read John’s full analysis here.

Cheers to Owens-Illinois for receiving the Keep America Beautiful 2018 Vision for America Award

I wanted to take a moment to congratulate to Owens-Illinois Inc, known as O-I, for receiving the Keep America Beautiful 2018 Vision for America Award. America’s brewers, beer importers, and industry suppliers understand that we only have one planet, and we all must be good stewards so we can ensure the next generation inherits a healthy and vibrant world.

Time for some straight talk about tariffs

Senators often show up just to make an appearance, so I didn’t expect the late Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) to stay at the hearing in 2014 on the dense subject of bank ownership of commodities like aluminum. It was, however, Senator Carl Levin’s (D-Michigan) last hearing before retiring, and Senator Levin’s cross-examination skills immediately captivated Senator McCain.

A duty-unpaid price for aluminum is commonsense, long overdue

Earlier today, S&P Platts announced it would publish a new series of implied duty-unpaid U.S. Midwest Aluminum price assessments beginning August 1. Although this decision could, in Platt’s words, provide “market participants with greater transparency of aluminum values in a tariff environment,” it does not address the fundamental flaws in how Platts assesses the Midwest Premium.  These flaws prompted a bipartisan coalition of members of Congress to request that the Department of Justice examine possible pricing irregularities of the Midwest Premium.

A modest proposal for fairer aluminum prices

Last week the Beer Institute filed comments to S&P Global Platts with our recommendations to help ensure that the price of aluminum, and especially the Midwest Premium, represents market fundamentals. You can read the full comments HERE. The Midwest Premium, created by metal producers years ago, is supposed to cover the logistical costs of moving metal into and in North America – essentially a shipping and handling fee.

A Full Menu of Beer Options

A couple of weeks ago, I found myself—once again—in my favorite chain restaurant with the really good chicken wings.  After perusing the menu, which I know by heart at this point, I turned my attention to the beer menu.  Imagine my surprise when I saw something I had never encountered before: the calories and alcohol-by-volume (ABV) of each beer were listed next to the beer’s description.  Huh.

Trends in Beer Packaging

One of the many ways beer is special is that it comes in a wide variety of packages of different sizes, shapes, and materials. It’s a great point of pride for our industry and a major part of what makes beer the most versatile among the different types of beverage alcohol.