Voluntary Disclosure Initiative

The Brewers’ Voluntary Disclosure Initiative

In 2016, the Beer Institute announced the Brewers’ Voluntary Disclosure Initiative, an important new approach by which participating brewers and importers by the end of 2020 would voluntarily include a serving facts statement and freshness dating on their products as well as disclose ingredients on either the label or secondary packaging via a list of ingredients, a reference to a website with the information or through a QR code.
In August 2021, The Beer Institute released the results of an independent survey that showed more than 95% of the beer volume sold by Anheuser-Busch, Molson Coors Beverage Company, Constellation Brands Beer Division, HEINEKEN USA and FIFCO USA now voluntarily includes this valuable nutritional information on products, packaging or websites.
No other alcohol segment can match the transparency these brewers and beer importers provide to consumers.
Read the media release about the announcement of the results here.
The Brewers’ Voluntary Disclosure Initiative is a necessary step in holding true to the Beer Institute’s reputation as an alcohol beverage industry leader in quality and transparency. This initiative provides consumers with meaningful information and will ultimately empower their decision making regarding the beverages they choose. Additionally, the Brewers Voluntary Disclosure Initiative is to restaurants as they comply with menu labeling requirements that went into effect in May 2018 and began being enforced in May 2019.
To learn more about the Brewers’ Voluntary Disclosure Initiative, visit ShowMeTheLabel.com
Our Commitment to Quality and Transparency
The Brewers’ Voluntary Disclosure Initiative is a necessary step in holding true to the Beer Institute’s reputation as an alcohol beverage industry leader in quality and transparency. This initiative provides consumers with meaningful information and will ultimately empower their decision making regarding the beverages they choose. It also helps restaurants as they comply with menu labeling requirements.
Labeling Specifics
The Beer Institute Brewers’ Voluntary Disclosure Initiative supports and encourages its members to adopt consistent guidelines to provide consumers more information on their products. Specifically:
- To provide calorie, carbohydrate, protein, fat, and ABV (or ABW as required by state law) information on all labels in the form of a serving facts statement consistent with federal guidelines.
- To disclose ingredients in products on either the label or secondary packaging via a list of ingredients, a reference to a website or a QR code. The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) lists ingredients that are pre-approved in manufacturing beer. For more information on these ingredients, click here.
- To clearly display a freshness date or date of production on all labels or primary containers.
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